Thursday, November 28, 2013

生日. 礼物

Bought myself an Ipod as birthday gift. This is much more convinice to bring along while jogging compared to my Iphone.

I'm loving it..:)

Friday, November 22, 2013

Happy 32 Birthday

Things have changed over the years except my birthday wish. Nothing more,nothing less, wishing my lovely family stay healthy always.

Happy Birthday to ME.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Penang Bridge International Marathon 2013

Another 6 more days to go for the Penang Bridge International Marathon and i'm only practice once in this morning. But i'm confidence enough to finish it and bring this medal back.

Penang here i come!

Friday, November 1, 2013




同事说我LC,很挑,对!反正就是要有熟习的脸孔,要不就干脆不出席, 一了百了,才不要去到傻傻一个人。我又不是PartTime 陪笑,才不要搞得这样难看。