Friday, June 29, 2012


A memorable date whereby my Nephew is coming to this world. A chubby cute baby he is but Poor him was suspected G6PD. Till now still in hospital for Observation, blood test was done One following another. Sis looked calm but I know how Panic she was. "don't worry, he's gonna be fine" That's how I comford her. In fact I was so upset and worries, Asking around for an answer, luckily Still have some friends who are Doctors and nurses. I'm a kind of guy that easily Get panic and very gen Cheong type Especially come to health issue. I will react like nothing in front Of them but insomnia for nights. I will dig for a solutions, do and don't, I will continuously doing research To make sure I know a to z about the Illness. Don't worry sis, trust me, I will not let anything happen To my nephew. He gonna be fine . We can make it through again Just like how we handle mum's case.

Sunday, June 10, 2012




 [ 我并不是神,该做的,不该做的,我都做了。我并不是自私的员工,我尽心尽力的为公司,换来就是最差的待遇与花红。我不甘心,为什么别的同事可以准时回家而我得留下。 我很愤怒,为何职位比我高的可以闲着,而我就忙到披头散发。又有谁体谅我? 我会把我份内的工作搞好,其它的就免了吧! ]


Tuesday, June 5, 2012


每当daddy开口要钱都会让我觉得很难过。 伤心不因为口袋要出血但感叹为何连唯一的爸爸都照顾不好。 我并不是个野心很大的人。 人生唯一的目标就是要让你们生活过的无忧无虑。 我一直都很努力,一步一步的向目标前进。 虽然很常有放弃的念头但我还在努力的坚守着。 无论受到再大的挫折,委屈,我都会坦然面对。 只要熬过这两年,我就有足够的把握让梦想实现。

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Mid Valley Mickey Mouse Exhibition

Purposely went to MV to witness the biggest Mickey Mouse Exhibition ever in KL. So many die heart fans were there.Gong gong po po also rebut to take picture with Mickey.Can you I am impress with the works and creativity..most of it was done by the colleges student...You all are Brovo.